“I had my reading with you a few weeks ago now (5/9), and it was so much more than I expected, so different than what I expected but in the most wonderful way.  The way that my departed family members and also a very dear friend who passed a few years ago, came through, and I KNEW it was them by the validating information they gave, birthdates, qualities of other family members, even actual names of living and departed family, things they said that only they could know, especially the ones that have been gone for over 30 years, so there was no way anything could be found out about them on the internet by anyone.

…One more connection I made after my reading.  A very dear, long-time male friend who, passed away five years ago from cancer came through.  His wife and him had divorced a couple years before he passed.  When he came through, I instantly knew it was him because he talked about outerspace, stars, star wars.  He loved all of that stuff, and he would star watch and I don't have ANY other friends that would match with that at all.  I instantly knew it was him!  His ex-wife did come back before he died to be with him for the last six months, and that's all he ever wanted.  In the reading, he mentioned he was sorry, and something about insurance. 

I called his ex-wife, also a good friend, and told her about how he said he was working on himself, that he was in spiritual therapy and he was okay, and that he even showed you that he was lying on a couch when he said that.  She got a chuckle out of that, and it made her feel good to know he was okay.  When I asked her about him stating he was sorry about something about insurance, she instantly knew what it was.  He had quit paying on his life insurance policy so there was no money for his kids or anyone because of that.  Just amazing.  Needless to say, I loved being able to pass that on to her because she has had guilt about divorcing him (but she needed to, he was very hard to be around those last years).  I let her know that he said HE was sorry and that his days with her were his happiest.”  

  • T.


“I have had many readings in my lifetime, however never one as mind blowing as my reading with Andy. I have to say it was beyond my wildest dreams. During my reading she connected with several family members and a dear friend. I was truly astonished by Andy’s accuracy in the details she provided as evidence. There was no doubt in my mind whatsoever who she had connected with. It was an amazing and wonderful experience. I was in happy tears and was left with joy and peace in my heart. She provided me with answers to questions I did not expect. I was uplifted and left with a new found purpose in my life. I have no doubt that she is the “real deal”.”

  • S.


“I’ve been getting readings for well over 20 years. I’ve received readings from television “Psychic Detectives,” mediums who help the FBI find serial killers…you name it.

With all that - I have honestly NEVER had an experience THIS SPOT ON.

You knew things that no one could know. Inside jokes, songs, pets that have passed, the attitudes and mannerisms of my children, a new hair color streak my daughter just got - including where it was located on her head and the color! (I rarely talk about or post my children on social media - there’s no way you could know that) INCLUDING and MOST IMPORTANTLY, my husband’s father, who passed in 1980, that NO ONE has been able ot read. I even had the “FBI-television medium” tell me that he must have reincarnated - after going to her 3 times trying to connect!

I have no words that could adequately express my amazement and gratitude. I’m so grateful I found you!”

  • A.B.

“I just had a reading done by Andy, and wow! Just wow! She hit everything on the head. This was my first experience going to a medium, and it was so much more than I imagined. The whole experience was comforting, and I left the meeting with so much hope for my future. I don’t know how Andy does it but she makes it look so easy. I would recommend Andy to all of my family and friends. If you are contemplating on getting a reading done, this is your sign to do it!!!”

  • N.


“Back in late March I had a hysteroscopy to investigate some off cycle bleeding. During our reading, I asked about a procedure coming up, and you reported that Spirit wasn't telling you what the procedure was but that the issue was NOT scar tissue. At the time, I did wonder if it was possibly scar tissue since I had a termination last June. Another thought was a polyp, since I had one removed last year.

On the day of the procedure, I talked to the doctor and we walked through the procedure and she said she might not see me after the procedure, but she would tell my husband everything that happened. I was put under anesthesia, and when I woke up, I asked the nurse how the procedure went. She said it went well and they removed the polyp. I was happy to finally have an answer. When they wheeled me out to my car, I asked my husband what the doctor told him, and he said she told him that it WAS scar tissue and she decided not to do a D&C because it could make scarring worse. But it was very small and she removed it all. I thought, "Well dang, I guess Andy was wrong."

On the week follow up, I was finally able to get full clarification. The doctor apologized for the confusion, but she reported that it was tissue that she removed from the uterus and she didn't need to do a full D&C because she got enough tissue to biopsy, and when she biopsied it later, it was in fact polyp tissue. Not scar tissue.”

  • K.

“I made another connection just now!  They gave you a Vel name, you even said maybe Velma.  I knew it sounded familiar but couldn't place it.  Also a death date of the 13th, past.  I just made the connection!  The people that owned the farm before my husband's grandparents (also family) first born child was named Velma.  She was born and died the same day.  September 13, 1935.  So that connected the Vel name AND the death date of the 13th.

Also, when you said an Lu name (given by my mom's mom, the first one to come through) her mom, my great grandma, was named  Marie Lucille.  I was named after  her, my middle name, Marie, so that would make sense that she was trying to connect the Lu name, so I guess it could have been my dog too, but I'm pretty sure it was for her mom, my namesake.  

This is truly exciting.  I really enjoy getting all these confirmations afterwards.  I let my cousins know that their mom, Pearl, came through, along with my sister that both her kids were mentioned by my grandma.  My sister was close to my grandma.  She is older than me and remembers her more.  She was crying, but absolutely good tears.  Thank you so much.  Of course I'll keep you updated because I  know more will become clear in the future.  It's only been two days.”

  • T.


“Thank you, thank you, thank you ! I’m sure you get this all the time but your reading has created a paradigm shift in me away from fear and back to hope :). Honestly, I was scared to death to get a reading and this experience has totally changed everything. You asked me who has sleep paralysis and I found out my brother’s girlfriend has sleep paralysis - he had come home mid session. My mom was so thrilled her sister is with her, she said she’s wanted a sister her entire life. I forget to tell everyone who came through how much I love them and miss them and how much I would give anything to spend time with them again (but based on your videos I think they know). You were asking me about the number nine and the month of December and the word “compromise” kept coming up around fertility and I completely forgot my husband’s birthday is December 9th (oops!) Thanks isn’t enough, your gift is a blessing.”

  • M.

“Andy, Thank you most sincerely for sharing your gift. My husband and MIL had a great experience. My husband especially had so many clear messages that resonated perfectly. I found it humorous that my mother came through to tease him about cleaning windows and your descriptions of family were spot on. You also commented on my three pregnancies with miscarriage and your acknowlegment of that, that everything was ok as it is, meant more to me than I can convey. 

Other things: My MIL mentioned so many things that became clear soon after the reading. Funny enough, you mentioned an apple tree (which we have in the yard) and artichokes (which were giant and in my salad for lunch). The suicide would have been my father, and my mother died of ovarian cancer… I look forward to finding out what Wisconsin has to do with anything and wondering if it might be something to do with my MIL’s future (not sure if you ever make predictions). There were many little puzzle pieces that she’s putting together even hours after the reading. 

Anyway… I may not have had a reading directly, but you still brought me comfort. Thank you.” 

  • P.

“So I had a couple of things happen that you brought up on my last session that make sense now. You mentioned something about not falling asleep with headphones or earbuds on. To be aware of my surroundings and listening. We were both like, “That’s weird, okay.” Well, last night I was woken up by a couple police banging on my door to search my back yard because there were a couple guys breaking into cars around the neighborhood that ran and were reported to have a gun. I was so freaked out especially because I had my kids with me! They apparently were running down the ally behind my house and jumped the brick wall. But they eventually got caught!

The crazy part is the last two previous nights I slept with my bedroom slider door open because it’s been so nice lately. But last night I just had this annoying gut feeling to close it, almost like I was arguing with myself. I settled for closing it and turning the AC down. Sooooo glad I listened to my intuition! Things could’ve played out a little differently if it was open all night!

You also asked me, who has the red truck?… I seriously can not believe I forgot my dad had the red truck! Felt so stupid when I figured that out. You also mentioned my noisy neighbors moving and getting new quiet neighbors.. “For Rent” sign went up a couple weeks ago!” 

  • S.

“Andy Ray is a gifted medium. I scheduled a session with her because I had come to some points of challenge related to my path and purpose in life. I had been watching Andy on TikTok and loved her down-to-earth, this is who I am, demeanor. Andy is also very knowledgeable about topics like sexism and misogyny, which was important to me. Prior to our session, I gathered as much information as I could about my departed loved ones. It was difficult because I was the last of the children/grandchildren in my generation, and my closest family members had passed on quite a while ago when I was still very little. Some before I was born. I was lucky that a cousin had done some research and had some dates for me to go off of.

The reading began when Andy and I took a few deep breaths together. She looked at me and said, “I’m literally getting an apple flavor.” I started laughing and then sobbing. I knew exactly what the apple reference was and there is no one that could have known this. Andy went on to identify two long-departed loved ones from my maternal side. One was immediately identifiable to me as my maternal grandmother and the other, was one of her 7 brothers who I had never met in person. Andy provided validation after validation most of which were very granular and specific. There were a couple of validations I didn’t quite know at the time but have since unfolded for me and my mother.

I was able to hear some very comforting details regarding my choice to seek a divorce. I was also given information about the near future holding more emotional times for me. Well, two days after my reading, I learned that my soon-to-be ex filed against me in court, which was going to put me back in court for the holidays. Despite the divorce being ongoing for the last four years I’m confident this latest court action is going to lead to the end of the divorce (it's been 4 years) so I can finally move on with fulfilling my life’s purpose. Something funny that Andy told me was related to dating, which I haven’t really done yet. Andy told me to pay attention to my gut and be on the look out for some “ick” feelings related to men. Little did she know about a week before my reading, something very icky had happened relating to a male relative, AND about two weeks after my reading with Andy, a married man, someone who I thought was a friend, actually hit on me. It was very ick, needless to say. My departed loved ones did assure me, through Andy, that it was nothing I was doing wrong.

Lastly, Andy recommended a book for me to read. I bought it immediately and read it thoroughly. This book taught me that I was in fact sensitive to the "other side" and had been receiving messages all along. The book gave me some instructions on developing my intuition even further. 

I will 100% see Andy again after the divorce and have already sent three friends her way.”

  • G.

“One of the first things you reflected on was ‘who is the AM radio listener?’ and we talked around that — both my parents were heavy into talk radio and FM (think NPR), and some AM too, especially for instrumental music. I didn’t think much of that outside of a somewhat vague validation, except this very DUH thing:

For at least a year, my car has had an audio issue where, occasionally, I will turn on the car and AM radio will come on and it will not let me toggle the input (to CD, or aux, or Sirius, or Bluetooth), and my choices are to either listen to AM radio or turn it all off, no matter which button I push. It was confusing, but my car is a decade old and I am born of complacent people, so we generally just let things degrade and explain that ‘this is what happens sometimes.’ By the next drive or several minutes into the drive, I can switch it. This generally happens 2-3 times a week and I drive a lot, due to my job.

A week or so after we talked, I made that connection and was like, oh — duh. It is my mom (I bought the car off my parents’ estate several years ago). She’s just hanging out (a common story I tell about her is that she played a ton of talk and instrumental music radio in that car and we never ever got to listen to anything kids or teens wanted to hear), trolling me.

And then I realized that it had stopped happening for about a week. I realized this one morning as I got into the car, had the active thought of, “Oh, that AM radio thing hasn’t happened in awhile,” and drove to work in silence, all audio completely off. When I pulled into the parking lot, I turned off the engine (key in accessory). I glanced at my phone and, out of nowhere, the radio turned on, blasting AM radio (static, unintelligible talk radio, I think). On its own. It made my colleague jump, who was on the phone in her car next to me.”

  • R.H.

“What I loved about my reading with Andy is that she not only described the energies of the people I am connected to, she also told me about the lessons involved with those people and what I needed to take from those experiences, which is absolutely eye opening and ultimately reassuring. Andy spoke about specific habits that are part of my personality and creative expression, things that I do without telling anyone, and there is absolutely no way she could have known. Andy is the kind of medium that you have a reading with and you think to yourself, ‘I’ll stick with this one.’ She is the real deal.”

  • C.

“During my mediumship session with you a few months back you stated my brother came through and stated he was [helping me with a] purpose (helping others with suicide because that’s how he died). I was terrified, to say the least. I wanted nothing to do with that. Suicide has affected me enough in life. But two or so weeks went by and going to sleep one Sunday night I said to my brother in my head "Ok, I’ll help. Show me how." The next morning I went to a clinical rotation at the children’s hospital and my instructor said she assigned me a patient that she was very compelled to assign me even though it was not traditional for our curriculum. It was a XX year old suicide attempt patient. I told her [the instructor] about my talk with you and her face lit up. She said she couldn't explain the feeling, but she knew I was supposed to take care of that patient. I simply agreed and moved on about my day.”

  • L.

“Andy Ray is simply amazing. I was lucky enough to be chosen for a reading on a Tik Tok live and I know I will be forever grateful. I have a lot to share about my experience but to sum it up Andy was so accurate that even months after the impromptu reading I still think about her accuracy of current life situations, family members alive and deceased, conversations that had happened amongst others that even I was not present for, and future events to come. I took detailed notes during the reading and have continued to reference her predictions and Andy was so incredibly spot on. Without a doubt Andy is gifted, and very honest. She shares her abilities in a down to earth way and is not in the business of taking advantage of others. My reading has given me comfort that I continue to lean on. When life presents its challenges, thanks to Andy’s confirmations, I know that I am not alone because my guides, loved ones in heaven, angels (whatever they are) are supporting me from the other side. By the way, there is no way Andy could have known any of the information she provided to me (even by researching). Andy is as authentic as they come! I’m happy to give specific examples from my reading as I have a lot. Thank you Andy Ray for choosing me for that reading in Dec. 2023, I hope to have another with you soon!

  • A.M. (from Home page)