Best Practices Notice

To prepare for your session, please RELAX and FOCUS ON YOU!

There is no need to meditate, pray, or conduct rituals. This service should be a positive, if sometimes bittersweet, experience. It’s normal to cry or to feel emotional for the rest of the day. It is recommended that you schedule your session for a day when it’s the only “significant” thing you do that day.

Scheduling your session for the middle of a work day is NOT recommended. If you are rushed, or worried about being overheard while responding to evidence or voicing concerns, you will not get the full benefit of the session.

Choose a quiet, PRIVATE space with good internet connection for your session. Do not attempt to receive your reading in a public place or in a vehicle with other people.

Interruptions/distractions should be avoided to the greatest extent possible. The session will be concluded without refund if other adults, children, pets, tv/music, or coworkers disrupt the session.

PLEASE silence your phones and turn off television. This process requires your complete focus.

Sitting in your personal vehicle for a session is acceptable, but not necessarily recommended for reasons of comfort.

Light family research is recommended so evidence can be easily validated at the time it is provided.

Evidence can apply to:

  • both living and departed people

  • your generation, younger generations, or older generations.

  • family, step-family, adopted family, biological family, friends, pets, miscarriages, abortions, coworkers, in-laws, exes, ex-in-laws, partners, spouses, and acquaintances etc.

Please note: departed people you have never met may come through if they are connected to people around you. You do not have to be personally acquainted or close to a departed person for them to make an appearance during your reading.

Evidence typically consists of (but is not limited to):

  • medical history

  • cause of death

  • cherished memories or objects

  • locations (travel or residence)

  • personality traits

  • professions

  • hobbies

  • pets

  • birth order

  • physical descriptions

  • names, nicknames, pet names, and job titles/ranks

  • significant dates (birthdays, death days, anniversaries, and accidents)

  • years

  • ages

  • inside jokes

  • recent topics of conversation

  • thoughts you’ve had or things you’ve written down or texted

  • current events (local or global news/headlines)

Pieces of evidence that come through back-to-back are not always related to each other but are often related to multiple individuals on one side of the family. Consider each piece of evidence separately from the evidence or messages that came before and after it.

If you are unfamiliar with one side of your family or your entire biological family due to adoption, abandonment, or premature death, it’s okay to say “I can’t confirm evidence for that side of the family.”

Take notes during your session. It is extremely common for about 10% of the evidence not to make sense when you first hear it. It is also extremely common to remember where that evidence applies later. You might remember or “figure it out” minutes, days, or months later. Post-session emails to validate evidence are always welcome! For most people, it takes about 6 weeks after the session for all of the information to “make sense.”

Before you reject a piece of evidence, just write it down. You may be pleasantly surprised later!

Do not ingest non-prescribed, mind-altering substances prior to or during your reading. Alcohol, cigarettes, vaping, recreational drugs, and non-prescribed pharmaceuticals will disrupt a reading. I will offer to reschedule your session if I feel substances are an issue. DO NOT begin using a substance during your session, even if it’s a group reading and I’m reading your friend/family member. Treat our Zoom session as though you are sitting in my office.

In the event that your Spirit visitors want to discuss future events, don’t “worry” about what comes through. When they share information about future events, it’s never with the intent of inducing anxiety. In fact, its meant to make you feel better and more prepared! And remember that you are always in control, as some outcomes are subject to change, depending upon the free will choices of living people.

How To Validate Evidence

Help me help you! Be willing to “place” evidence as it comes through in your reading without “overfeeding” me with details. You can say “yes” or indicate who is being referenced by the evidence, but do not provide additional information.

Example - If I bring up a June birthday for a living person connected to your mother, you can say, “Yes, I know where that fits” or “That’s my aunt” or “I’m not sure, I’m writing that down.”

DO NOT respond with “That’s my Aunt Susan, she’s a teacher and she has a dachshund.”

Let Spirit bring up her name, profession, and pet as additional evidence if it’s appropriate or needed.

Limitations/ Ethical Boundaries

I am not in the business of “fortune telling” and will not conduct readings solely for that purpose.

I may receive medical information for living people, but it is usually something they are already aware of (to serve as evidence). Please do not schedule a reading for the purpose of obtaining medical information. If I perceive that to be your intent, I will close down the session. No refund will be issued.

I will not inquire with Spirit on any of the following matters:

  • When someone will die

  • Undiagnosed medical issues

  • Twin Flames (if it comes up, that’s fine, but I will not do a whole reading on it)

  • Conspiracy theories or true crime

  • Spying on ex-spouses/partners, their new partners, or your adult children

  • Possessions/Hauntings (if a paranormal issue comes up, that’s fine, but I’m not going to do a whole reading for it)

  • What everyone in your life thinks of you

If I perceive that you may be suffering from significant mental illness or delusion, I will close down the session, issue a full refund, and urge you to seek treatment. Whether or not you choose to pursue that is entirely a matter of your free will choice.

If I receive information that suggests that you might benefit from counseling, therapy, or other professional consultation of any kind (including legal or financial), I will mention it, but once again, it is entirely a matter of your free will choice if you decide to pursue that or not.

If you have any questions about this process, please do not hesitate to email me directly at

When emailing, please allow 72 hours for a response and kindly refrain from sending multiple messages on that same matter.

Please…pretty please…do NOT tell me anything about who you want to connect to on the Other Side.

Spirits cannot be ordered up like a coffee. Therefore, telling me (or any medium) who you want to connect to serves no functional purpose.

I insist upon entering sessions “blind.” This preserves the “magic” of the evidential experience!

I will reject your inquiry for service if this policy is violated.

Thank you so much for reading all of that! I look forward to our session!